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I have been nominated for liebster award

by - November 20, 2018

Hello guys 

And welcome to a new post of story time. 
First I want to thank Karen for nominated me for the liebaster blogger award , hope that you check out her blog , she wrote very interesting posts that makes you spend hours reading .

For the rules

1- add link to the https://theglobalaussie.com/liebster-award-2018/
2-answer the questions posed to you by your nominator , if you haven't been nominated but would like to take part you can use the question from the Liebster award page .
3- create 11 unique questions to ask your nominees .
4- comment on the Liebster award blog post and leave a link to your post .
5- you can then place your nominations and leave the link to thier blogs within your post for everyone to take a look at .

 the questions that karen post was really intersting and difficult to answer i almost felt that i am passing an exam are you a teacher karen?

1- in the event of a zombie apocolyse, what would be your initial plan of action ?

oh god , i guess  first i have to make sure that my family and the persons who i care about are save .

2- if you could rewrite the ending to any book/movie , what would it be and how would you end it ?

i would like to change the ending of an anime called " ano hana" it's a story about 6 friends one of them pass away but she will come back as a spirit to make her boyfriend happy and also to make the wish of his death mother come true , when she makes this wish come true she will disappear forever the ending was so sad that was the first time that i cried while watching anime . i am not sure how to change the ending but i will try to make it a happy ending like maybe make her spirit a life or she born as new person .

3-it's gorundhog day , but you get to choose which day you relive over and over , what day would you choose ?

of course i am gonna choose the day that i was most happy me and my family , it's the day that i graduated from highschool .

4- what is the charity you back the most , what do they do and why are you behind them ?

well i donate to a chirty who usally start working in ramadan because i found them easily at that time , also in universty when there is a project for donation or helping others because i trust them so much .

5- you have the chance to interview any monarch past or present , who would it be and what three questions would you ask ?

i will choose her majesty Elizabeth the second .

- how is like to be live in a castle ?
- did you ever wish to live like a normal person ?
- is there is any tradition in the kingdom that you would like to change ?

6- what has been the deepest lesson you have learnt from your parents ?

i do what i think is right even if others don't agree with me .

7-which shakespeare do you most identify with ?

i can't ansewr this ,i am not a fan of shakespear .

8- in a world where you can stop time to benfits yourself and only you have this secret power , how would you use it ? also remember that when you stop time , you continue to age but those who are frozen in time do not .

if i have this power i would like to use it for a short period when i have a lot stuff to do and i can't finish it in time , or before my exams i would like to stop it to finsh revising my lessons and to be well prepared .

9-we tell our children that santa really exists , then we tell them he doesn't when they are old enough to know but what if he did in fact exist ?

i guess that will be cool isn't it ? i mean gifts each christmas and  i hope that we could have a chance to meet him

10-think of a place that you have never thought about visiting , can you think of reasons to go there and change your mind ?

this is a diffuclt one for me i always like visiting new places and have a new experience except if it is unsave  .

11- you are given 3 days to live , your top bucket list item would take 4 days to complete , but at least you would be partially able to experience it . your soulmate top bucket list item will take 3 days to complete but it's something you have never had any interest in but will make thier last day with you meaningful to them , which activity do you do ?

nothing , i will stay in my room , close the door waiting for this days to end because i will never be able to enjoy it and to make them happy  actually i hate saying goodbye i fell if i try to spend time i will make them more sad , i would like to passe in silent .

for my questions :

1- if you could change one thing in your past what would it be ?

2- what if the person you love the most want to marry you , but you have to stop blogging forever would you accept or not and why ?

3- what do you think about tradition ?

4- if you have the chance to meet any celebrity or youtuber who would it be and why ?

5- if you become invisible for one day what would you do ?

6- what is the name and the story of the book that you like to re-read again and why ?

7- did you read any work of Agatha Christie , if yes what is your favorite one ?

8- what is / was you favorite subject in highschool ?

9- what is your dream job and did it come true ?

10- in general , are you satisfied about your life ?

11- did you participate in a scientifique competition and what it was about ?

i would like to nominate :

1- Sarah  sarah and sparkles     

2- Key   key diaires    

3- Lanesha  the wall flower club

4- Vinny  artsy draft

5- Kelly  the peppermint pixie

6- Haziqa   fiction is my middle name

7- Shareeza fashion world

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