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The follow and unfollow on social media

by - March 08, 2019

Hello everyone 

And welcome to an another blog post . Actually I wasn't going to write anything this days because I am so busy with my studies , but there is something that bother me and sometimes make me upset it's " the follow and unfollow " 
Let's me spill the tea to you when you start a blog or business ,first thing you are going to do is to start building social media accounts  in order to get notice and have an audience who love your work , who supports you .

That's look so perfect and easy  

But in reality 

It's hard to find real people who follow you . Most of them they want follow back and if you don't then they unfollow you , this is the dirty game that they play . 

And what's upset me more is when they unfollow then follow again just that you get another notification , and it's become more annoying if they dm you or reply to one of your tweet by" follow back", well couldn't you add please ahh or when they say it's just a follow you won't give a kidney . 

at the beginning of my twiteer account i was following all of them  for numbers but lately i noticed that i interact only with like 10 or less yeah . 

I decided that I will not play this dirty game anymore I don't care how much followers that I have because I want real one that interact with me  I want a real base audience , not ghosts and numbers . 

hope that you like this post , and  i hope that you don't use this kind of method to get followers .

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